FAA Allowing Drones to Deliver PPE Kits and Medical Supplies to US Hospitals By Techtonic group We have seen the use of drones for many significant tasks like inspecting metro tunnels and disinfecting large areas . However, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) did not allow operators to fly drones in areas that are out of their line of sight, until now. The FAA is now allowing drones to carry emergency medical supplies to healthcare institutions in light of the current crisis. Zipline, a drone firm, has been given green light by the FAA to fly their drones to deliver medical supplies and PPE kits. This is the first time that the FAA is allowing drone operators to fly the machines in beyond-line-of-sight areas in the US . The firm, that has been negotiating with the FAA to use their drones for deliveries, has to use one of the two specified routes to fly the drones . The drones will launch from a specified fulfillment center. They will then ...